Of Interest

Here are some things I find interesting and influential.
Donate Monero here. Nobody will know 🙂

Monero is a private cryptocurrency allowing the free exchange of value without oversight. Nobody other than the user will know who sent, how much or when. Localmonero allows users to exchange peer to peer, without taking personal data.

Darwall’s comprehensive textbook on the history of climate politics. ‘The Age Of Global Warming: A History’

Wikileaks’ Afghan War Log #30243. Published to the Bitcoin Blockchain by Project Spartacus using ordinals. You can take part on the website and help to upload documents by completing a small Bitcoin transaction.

Max Keiser interviews Simon Dixon of ‘Bnktothefuture’. They discuss the Bitcoin Standard and the recent collapse of Celsius. An enlightening discussion on the current state of crypto and an influence on my article: Sango Coin, Post-colonial CAR and the State of Crypto. Excerpt from ‘Max and Stacey Report E07’. July 19th 2022.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgV1imQla3U

Excepts from Moebius ‘The World of Edena’ published in 1983

An interesting and intelligent discussion on Cold War 2.0, the East-West divide and prospects for the future. Brought to us by the titans at UnlimitedHangout.com and Off-Guardian.org. Only available to watch at Rokfin